Floor Plans in Syracuse

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Comfortable & Spacious Living Spaces

Experience the comfort and convenience of our carefully designed rooms at Peregrine Senior Living at Onondaga Hill. Our living spaces are tailored to accommodate the needs of people in memory care and respite care, and we are committed to ensuring every resident finds an option that caters to their individual needs, too. 

Visit us for a tour to learn more about our spacious living areas, modern amenities, and supportive, warm community.

Rates for rooms start at $6,010 with a 1-time community fee of $4,500.

Download Our Brochure

Curious to learn more? Download our brochure by completing the form below.

Elevated Senior Living

If you’d like to learn more about our community, please don’t hesitate to schedule a tour with us. We invite you to explore our spacious living spaces, meet our staff, and find out more about life at Peregrine Senior Living at Onondaga Hill.

A Glimpse into Our Offerings

Peregrine Senior Living at Onondaga Hill offers a variety of services, amenities, and engaging events to help elevate our residents’ quality of life. 

Our Services & Amenities

The amenities at our spacious community include personalized meals, regular outings, group workshops, and more.

Engaging Events & Activities

We offer an array of engaging events, including meditation sessions, art classes, fitness workshops, and more.

Our Dining & Culinary Offerings

Our residents enjoy delectable, wholesome, and personalized meals crafted by our dining and culinary team.

Our Testimonials

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Our community is a short drive away from downtown Syracuse and easily accessible via I-690 and I-81.

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 4701 Peregrine Way
  • Syracuse, NY 13215

Contact Information

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