Senior Community Events in Syracuse

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Diverse & Joyful Experiences

At Peregrine Senior Living at Onondaga Hill, we offer a variety of enriching events and activities designed to enhance our residents’ well-being holistically. Our programs focus on fostering social connections, stimulating long-term memories, and providing joyful experiences in a supportive setting. 

From invigorating spiritual experiences to energetic cookouts and engaging exercise sessions, our residents in memory care and respite care have a lot to look forward to.

Download our event calendar to learn more, or visit us for a tour to experience life at our community in person. 

Encouraging Family Involvement

Family members are welcome to visit our residents any time of the day, so they can always be there for their loved ones. We also encourage our residents to invite their family members to community events as much as possible. 

While some events may require visitors to RSVP ahead of time, we strongly encourage our residents’ family members to be an active part of their lives. Time spent together can strengthen the bonds our residents share with their loved ones and their own sense of self.

Signature Peregrine Way Events

Our events are designed to tap into our residents’ long-term memories and provide meaningful engagement. We offer a variety of experiences and activities to appeal to our residents’ varied and unique interests.

We honor our residents every month through our Celebrate a Resident Program, promote lifelong learning through educational lectures on various topics via Peregrine University, and bring different cultures to life with our Around the World Dining program. 

We strive to promote lifelong learning among our residents and foster their love for knowledge. Through partnerships with local colleges and organizations, Peregrine University helps our residents engage in enriching educational experiences with lectures on familiar topics, such as world history, civil rights, and American presidents. 

Our Around the World Dining program is crafted to stimulate our residents’ long-term memories with curated monthly themes and lively cooking demonstrations. These themed events are focused on delectable cultural dishes and often include popular movies, invigorating lectures, and music to help our residents cultivate new connections and relive cherished memories.

At Peregrine Senior Living, residents enjoy a wide range of engaging events and activities, including wellness workshops, group fitness classes, movie nights, spiritual services, and regular outings to local attractions.

Explore Our Vibrant Community

Schedule a tour with us and explore what awaits your loved one in our vibrant and lively community. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

A Glimpse into Our Offerings

Peregrine Senior Living at Onondaga Hill offers a variety of services, amenities, and engaging events to help elevate our residents’ quality of life. 

Our Services & Amenities

The amenities at our spacious community include personalized meals, regular outings, group workshops, and more.

Engaging Events & Activities

We offer an array of engaging events, including meditation sessions, art classes, fitness workshops, and more.

Our Dining & Culinary Offerings

Our residents enjoy delectable, wholesome, and personalized meals crafted by our dining and culinary team.

Our Testimonials

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Our community is a short drive away from downtown Syracuse and easily accessible via I-690 and I-81.

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 4701 Peregrine Way
  • Syracuse, NY 13215

Contact Information

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