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Category: Memory Care

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Family member helping an elderly man with Alzheimer's look through a photo album, offering support and engagement through memory recall.

How to Deal with Alzheimer’s as a Family Member

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the brain, causing memory loss and cognitive decline. It’s estimated that around 6.7 million Americans over the age of 65 are living with Alzheimer's. As a family member of someone diagnosed with Alzheimer's, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to deal with this challenging situation.…
An older woman and her daughter smiling at each other while they hold hands.

Tips for Coping with Dementia in a Parent

Dealing with dementia, a serious cognitive condition that impacts many older adults, leading to memory loss and communication challenges, can be incredibly tough when it involves a parent. Navigating this path demands immense patience, empathy, and a supportive network.  Caregivers often experience frustration, exhaustion, and emotional strain as they assist their loved ones in managing…

A Glimpse into Our Offerings

Peregrine Senior Living at Onondaga Hill offers a variety of services, amenities, and engaging events to help elevate our residents’ quality of life. 

Our Services & Amenities

The amenities at our spacious community include personalized meals, regular outings, group workshops, and more.

Engaging Events & Activities

We offer an array of engaging events, including meditation sessions, art classes, fitness workshops, and more.

Our Dining & Culinary Offerings

Our residents enjoy delectable, wholesome, and personalized meals crafted by our dining and culinary team.

Our Testimonials

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Our community is a short drive away from downtown Syracuse and easily accessible via I-690 and I-81.

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 4701 Peregrine Way
  • Syracuse, NY 13215

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